WaterLOUPE - facing our local water risks

WaterLOUPE enables analysis of local risks of water scarcity and development of water scarcity solution strategies, taking into account the current situation and future developments and uncertainties.

The background map shows the Evapotranspiration Deficit Index (ETDI) for October 2017, as calculated with the PCR-GLOBWB and MODFLOW models developed at Deltares and Utrecht University. The blue-colored loupes indicate areas where a dashboard is available. The pink loupes indicate areas where a risk assessment has been done but a dashboard has not been developed, or areas that have yet to be published.

Cases completed

WaterLOUPE 2.0

Cases completed

WaterLOUPE 1.0

Cases in progress

    Water scarcity solution strategies

    Actions Wayfinder


    Read more about our methodology